Finite Element Analysis, Microstructure Analysis, Numerical Solution, Mechanical Properties
Lab. Members | 연구원
Aman Gupta (India)
Post Doctoral Researcher
Part : Microstructure & texture analysis
H.P. : 010-9175-6518
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Khushahal Thool (India)
Post Doctoral Researcher
Part : FEM, AI, Microstructure Analysis
H.P. : 010-4909-5829
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Ki-Seong Park (Korea)
Ph.D Candidate
Part : Microstructure, Texture, CPFEM, AI
H.P. : 010-5779-5047
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Wi-Geol Seo (Korea)
Ph.D Candidate
Part : Microstructure, Texture, FEM
H.P. : 010-3317-1061
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Preetham Reddy (India)
Ph.D Candidate
Part : FEM, Microstructure Analysis
H.P. : 010-5397-0704
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Saurabh Pawar (India)
Ph.D Candidate
Part : FEM, Microstructure Analysis
H.P. : 010-2022-4491
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Rohit Raj (India)
Ph.D Candidate
Part : CFD, Powder Metallurgy
H.P. : 010-5139-0310
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Eun-Se Lee (Korea)
Bachelor's student
Part : Microstructure & Texture Analysis, FEM
H.P. : 010-5480-3826
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Gyeong-Min Ko (Korea)
Bachelor's student
Part : Mechanical Testing, FEM
H.P. : 010-2075-4698
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You-Ahn Oh (Korea)
Bachelor's student
Part : FEM, Microstructure Analysis
H.P. : 010-2539-6421
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Hee-Jeong Jeong (Korea)
Lab. Manager
Part : 연구실 과제 관리 실무
H.P. : 010-2014-9511
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Papers | 논문
•AB Kale, BK Kim, DI Kim, EG Castle, M Reece, SH Choi : An investigation of the corrosion behavior of 316L stainless steel fabricated by SLM and SPS techniques (2020)
•J Singh, MS Kim, L Kaushik, JH Kang, D Kim, E Martin, SH Choi : Twinning-detwinning behavior of E-form Mg alloy sheets during in-plane reverse loading (2020)
•WG Seo, JY Suh, JH Shim, H Lee, K Yoo, SH Choi : Effect of post-weld heat treatment on the microstructure and hardness of P92 steel in IN740H/P92 dissimilar weld joints
• S.-J. Park, S.-H. Choi, K.H. Oh and J.A. Szpunar ; Prediction of deformation and texture evolution in the vicinity of a hard particle in an FCC crystal, Materials Science Forum, Vols.408-412, (2002) 377-382. [2002]
• S.-H. Choi ; Monte Carlo technique for simulation of recrystallization texture in interstitial free steels, Materials Science Forum, Vols.408-412, (2002) 469-474. [2002]
•M.-H. Hong, S.-H. Choi and J.-H. Chung ; Influence of substrate texture on the galvannealed coating by EBSD, Materials Science Forum, Vols.408-412, (2002) 505-510. [2002]
• J.-H. Cho, S.-J. Park, S.-H. Choi and K.H. Oh ; Deformation texture of cold drawn Al6063 tube, Materials Science Forum, Vols.408-412, (2002) 565-570. [2002]
• S.-H. Choi and J.-H. Chung ; Effect of C on the r-value anisotropy of Ti-added IF steels, Materials Science Forum, Vols.408-412, (2002) 1073-1078. [2002]
• S.-H. Choi ; Macroscopic texture and anisotropy in Ti-added IF steels, Materials Science Forum, Vols.408-412, (2002) 1085-1090. [2002]
• O.J. Kwon and S.-H. Choi ; Issues related to texture in high performance steels, Materials Science Forum, Vols.408-412, (2002) 1161-1166. [2002]
• J.-H. Bae, S.-H. Choi and K.B. Kang ; Effect of thermomechanical processing parameters upon texture development and yield strength anisotropy in high strength linepipe steels, Materials Science Forum, Vols.408-412, (2002) 1179-1184. [2002]
• Jin-Ho Bae, S.-H. Choi and K.B. Kang ; Effect of thermomechanical processing parameters on texture development and yield strength anisotropy in linepipe steels, CAMP-ISIJ, Vol.15, (2002) 461-465. [2002]
• S.-J. Park, S.-H. Choi, K.H. Oh and J.A. Szpunar ; Prediction of deformation and texture evolution in the vicinity of a hard particle in an FCC crystal, Materials Science Forum, Vols.408-412, (2002) 377-382. [2002]
• S.-H. Choi ; Monte Carlo technique for simulation of recrystallization texture in interstitial free steels, Materials Science Forum, Vols.408-412, (2002) 469-474. [2002]
• M.-H. Hong, S.-H. Choi and J.-H. Chung ; Influence of substrate texture on the galvannealed coating by EBSD, Materials Science Forum, Vols.408-412, (2002) 505-510. [2002]
• J.-H. Cho, S.-J. Park, S.-H. Choi and K.H. Oh ; Deformation texture of cold drawn Al6063 tube, Materials Science Forum, Vols.408-412, (2002) 565-570. [2002]
• F. Barlat, J.C. Brem, J.W. Yoon, K. Chung, R.E. Dick, D.J. Lee, F. Pourboghrat, S.-H. Choi, E. Chu ; Plane stress yield function for aluminum alloy sheets-Part 1: theory, International Journal of Plasticity, Vol.19, (2003) 1297-1319. [2003 Sep]
• K.J. Kim, D. Kim, S.H. Choi, K. Chung, K.S. Shin, F. Barlat, K.H. Oh, J.R. Youn ; Formability of AA5182/polypropylene/AA5182 sandwich sheets, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.139, (2003) 1-7. [2003 Aug]
• S.-H. Choi ; Simulation of stored energy and orientation gradients in cold-rolled interstitial free steels, Acta Materialia, Vol.51, (2003) 1775-1788. [2003 Apr]
• S.-H. Choi ; Simulation of stored energy and orientation gradients in cold-rolled interstitial free steels, Acta Materialia, Vol.51, (2003) 1775-1788. [2003 Apr]
• S.-H. Choi and K.-G. Chin ; Evaluation of stored energy in cold-rolled IF steels from EBSD data and its application to recrystallization modeling, Materials Science Forum, Vols.467-470, (2004) 39-44. [2004 Oct]
• B.-J. Lee and S.-H. Choi ; Computation of grain boundary energies, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol.12 (2004) 621-632. [2004 May]
• S.-H. Choi and Y.-S. Jin ; Evaluation of stored energy in cold-rolled steels from EBSD data, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol.371, (2004) 149-159. [2004 Apr]
• S. I. Kim, S. H. Choi, Y. Lee ; Influence of phosphorous and boron on dynamic recrystallization and microstructures of hot rolled interstitial free steel sheet, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol.406, (2005) 125-133. [2005 Oct]
• S.-H. Choi and J.-H. Cho ; Primary recrystallization modelling for interstitial free steels, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol.405, (2005) 86-101. [2005 Sep]
• S.-H. Choi and B.Y. Lee ; Prediction of earing in IF steels by using crystal plasticity finite element method , Materials Science Forum, Vols.495-497, (2005) 1237-1242. [2005 Sep]
• S.I. Kim, S.-H. Choi and Y.C. Lee ; Influence of boron on mechanical properties and microstructures of hot-rolled interstitial free steel, Materials Science Forum, Vols.495-497, (2005) 537-542. [2005 Sep]
• J.-H. Bae, S.-H. Choi, K.S. Kim and K.B. Kang ; Study of texture development and anisotropy of mechanical properties of API-X80 line pipe steel for spiral-welded pipe, Materials Science Forum, Vols. 495-497, (2005) 531-536. [2005 Sep]
• S.-H. Choi and J.H. Chung ; Effect of Carbon on the r-value Anisotropy in Ti-added High Strength IF steels, J. Korean Inst. of Metals & Materials, Vol.40, No.3, (2002) 260-265. [2006 Mar]
• S.-H. Choi and G.-K. Chin ; Prediction of spring-back behavior in high strength low carbon steel sheets, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.171, (2006) 385–392. [2006 Feb]
• S.-H. Choi, J.K. Kim, B.J. Kim, Y.B. Park ; The effect of the grain size distribution on the shape of flow stress curves of Mg-3Al-1Zn under uniaxial compression, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol.488, (2008) 458-467. [2008 Aug]
• Y.S. Song, B.J. Kim, S.H. Han, K.G. Chin, S.H. Choi ; Simulation of Texture Evolution and Anisotropic Properties in DP Steels during Deep Drawing Process, Transactions of Materials Processing, Vol.17, No.7, (2008). [2008 July]
• Y.S. Song, B.J. Kim, H.W. Kim, S.B. Kang, S.H. Choi ; Simulation of Inhomogeneous Texture through the Thickness Direction during Hot rolling deformation in strip cast Al-5wt%Mg alloy, J. Korean Inst. of Metals & Materials, Vol.46, No.3, (2008) 135-143. [2008 Mar]
• B. J. Kim, Y. S. Song, S. I. Kim, J. W .Choi, and S. H. Choi ; Prediction of Inhomogeneous Texture through the Thickness Direction in Automotive Cold-Rolled steel sheets, J. Korean Inst. of Metals & Materials, Vol.45, No.12, (2007) 645-653. [2007 Dec]
• S.-H. Choi, Y.S. Song, J.K. Kim, B.J. Jung and Y.B. Park ; Implementation of twin reorientation and softening schemes in a polycrystal plasticity model for Mg Alloys, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 558-559, (2007) 1063-1068. [2007 Oct]
• S.-H. Choi, B.-J. Kim, S.I. Kim, J.W. Choi and K.-G. Chin ; Simulation of primary recrystallization in automotive steels by considering of particle pinning, Materials Science Forum, Vol.558-559, (2007) 171-176. [2007 Oct]
• J.H. Cho, S-H Choi and K.H. Oh ; Texture and microstructure evolution of gold sheet during deformation and annealing, Materials Science Forum, Vols.558-559, (2007) 165-170. [2007 Oct]
• S.I. Kim, D.J. Paik, S.H. Choi, D.W. Kim, Y.C. Jang and Y. Lee ; Powdering in coating layer of galvannealed Nb-Ti free extra low carbon steel sheet, Key Engineering Materials, Vols.345-346, (2007) 1089-1092. [2007 Aug]
• S.-H. Choi, Y.S. Song, B.J. Kim, H.-W. Kim and S.-B. Kang ; Simulation of texture evolution during hot rolling deformation in FCC materials, Key Engineering Materials, Vols.345-346, (2007) 869-872. [2007 Aug]
• J.K. Kim, S.-H. Choi and Y.B. Park ; Evolution of crystallographic texture and mechanical properties during annealing of nanocrystalline Fe-50%Ni alloy foil, Key Engineering Materials, Vols.345-346, (2007) 781-784. [2007 Aug]
• S.-H. Choi, Y.S. Song, J.K. Kim, H.-W. Kim and S.-B. Kang ; Texture evolution during hot rolling deformation in Al-5wt%Mg alloy, Key Engineering Materials, Vols.345-346, (2007) 89-92. [2007 Aug]
• Jong Kweon Kim, Shi-Hoon Choi and Yong Bum Park ; Control of microstructures and textures in nanocrystalline Fe-50wt%Ni foil, Solid State Phenomena, Vols.124-126, (2007) 1181-1184. [2007 Jun]
• S.-H. Choi, E.J. Shin, B.S. Seong ; Simulation of deformation twins and deformation texture in an AZ31 Mg alloy under uniaxial compression, Acta Materialia, Vol.55, (2007) 4181-4192. [2007 May]
• Shi-Hoon Choi, B.J. Kim, S.I. Kim and U.-S. Yoon ; Texture evolution during uniaxial compression of hot-rolled AZ31 Mg alloy, Materials Science Forum, Vols.539-543, (2007) 1713-1718. [2007 Mar]
• J.K. Kim, S.-H. Choi and Y.B. Park ; Effect of textures on the nanomechanical properties of nanocrystalline Fe-50%Ni foil, Advanced Materials Research, Vols.15-17, (2007) 923-928. [2007 Feb]
• S.-H. Choi, D.H. Kim, H.W. Lee, B.S. Seong, K. Piaoc, R.Wagoner ; Evolution of the deformation texture and yield locus shape in an AZ31 Mg alloy sheet under uniaxial loading, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol.526, (2009) 38-49. [2009 Nov]
• S.-H. Choi, J.K. Choi, H.W. Kim, S.B. Kang ; Effect of reduction ratio on annealing texture and r-value directionality for a cold-rolled Al–5% Mg alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol.519, (2009) 77-87. [2009 Aug]
• S.-H. Choi, D.H. Kim, B.S. Seong ; Simulation of Srain-Softening behaviors in an AZ31 Mg alloy showing distinct Twin-Induced Reorientation before a peak stress, Metals and Materials International, Vol.15, (2009) 239-248. [2009 Apr]
• W.J. Kim, K.E. Lee, S.-H. Choi ; Mechanical properties and microstructure of ultra fine-grained copper prepared by a high-speed ratio DSR, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol.506, (2009) 71-79. [2009 Apr]
• S.-H. Choi, S.H. Han, K.G. Chin ; Simulation of orientation gradients in a ferrite matrix containing hard martensite under plane-strain flange deformation, Acta Materialia, Vol.57, (2009) 1947-1958. [2009 Feb]
• B.S. Seong, Y.R. Cho, E.J. Shin, S.I. Kim, S.-H.Choi, H.R. Kim, and Y.J. Kim ; Study of the effect of nano-sized precipitates on the mechanical properties of boron-added low-carbon steels by neutron scattering techniques, Journal of applied crystallography, Vol.41, (2008) 906-912. [2009 Oct]
• Y.S. Song, D.W. Kim, H.S. Yang, S.H. Han, K.G. Chin, S.H. Choi ; Simulation of Texture Evolution and Anisotropy Behavior in Dual Phase Steels during Deep Drawing Process, J. Korean Inst. of Metals & Materials, Vol.47, No.5, (2009) 274-283. [2009 May]
• J.H. Cho, Hong-Mei Chen, S.-H. Choi, H.W. Kim, S.B. Kang ; Aging effect on texture evolution during warm rolling of ZK60 alloys fabricated by twin-roll casting, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol. 41A, (2010) 2575-2583. [IF: 1.627, Co-author]
• E.J. Shin, S.-H. Choi, B.S. Seong, H.C. Lee, K.H. Lee ; Small-angle neutron scattering study on the cold rolled steel sheets, Applied Physics A, Vol.99, (2010) 621-625. [IF: 1.545, Co-author]
•B.S. Seong, E.J. Shin, S.-H. Choi, Y. Choi, Y.S. Han, K.H. Lee, Y. Tomato ; Quantitative analysis of fine nano-sized precipitates in low-carbon steels by small angle neutron scattering, Applied Physics A, Vol.99, (2010) 613-620. [IF: 1.545, Co-author]
• S.H. Han, S.-H. Choi, J.K. Choi, H.G. Seong, I.B. Kim ; Effect of hot-rolling processing on texture and r-value of annealed dual-phase steels, Material Science and Engineering A, Vol.527, (2010) 1686-1694. [IF: 2.108, Corresponding author]
• S.-H. Choi, D.H. Kim, H.W. Lee, E.J. Shin ; Simulation of texture evolution and macroscopic properties in Mg alloys using the crystal plasticity finite element method, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol.527, (2010) 1151-1159. [IF: 2.108, Corresponding author]
• S.-H. Choi, D.H. Kim, S.S. Park, B.S. You ; Simulation of stress concentration in Mg alloys using the crystal plasticity finite element method, Acta Materialia, Vol.58, (2010) 320-329. [IF: 3.941, Rank: 1/75, Category: Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering, Corresponding author]
• J.K. Choi, J.H. Cho, H.W. Kim, S.B. Kang, S.H. Choi ; Prediction of the Macroscopic Plastic Strain Ratio in AA1100 Sheets Manufactured by Differential Speed Rolling, J. Korean Inst. of Metals & Materials, Vol.48, (2010) 605-614. [IF: 1.201(SCIE), Corresponding author]
• Eun-Young Kim, JaeHyung Cho and Hyoung-Wook Kim, Shi-Hoon Choi ; Evolution of deformation texture in Al/Al-Mg/Al composite sheets during cold- roll- cladding, Material Science and Engineering A, Vol. 530, (2011) 244-252. [IF: 2.108, Corresponding author]
• S.-H. Choi, D.W. Kim, B.S. Seong, Anthony Rollett ; 3-D simulation of spatial stress distribution in an AZ31 Mg alloy sheet under in-plane compression, International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 27, (2011) 1702-1720. [IF: 4.356, Rank: 3/132, Category: Mechanics, Corresponding author]
• H.S. Yang, B.S. Seong, S.H. Han, S.-H. Choi ; Texture evolution of monolithic- and dual-phase steel sheets during a deep-drawing process, Metals and Materials International, Vol. 17, no 3 (2011) 403-412. [IF: 1.434, Corresponding author]
• W. Woo, V.T. Em, E.-Y. Kim, S.H. Han, Y.S. Han, S.-H. Choi ; Stress–strain relationship between ferrite and martensite in a dual-phase steel studied by in situ neutron diffraction and crystal plasticity theories, Acta Materialia, Vol. 60, (2012) 6972-6981. [IF: 3.941, Rank: 1/75, Category: Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering, Corresponding author]
• Eun-Young Kim, Shi-Hoon Choi, Eun-Joo Shin, JeongWhan Yoon ; Simulation of earing behaviors in bake hardening steel exhibiting a strong off-γ-fiber component, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 49, (2012) 3573-3581. [IF: 1.871, Corresponding author]
• E.-Y. Kim, H.S. Yang, S.H. Han J.H. Kwak and S.-H. Choi ; Effect of Initial Microstructure on Strain-Stress Partitioning and Void Formation in DP980 Steel during Uniaxial Tension, Metals and Materials International, Vol. 18, (2012) 573-582. [IF: 1.434, Corresponding author]
• Chao Fang, C. Isaac Garcia, Shi-Hoon Choi and Anthony J. DeArdo ; Assessment of the Stored Energy Evolution during Batch Annealing Process of Cold Rolled HSLA Steels, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 715-176, (2012) 557-562. [Co-author]
• E.J. Shin, A. Jung, S.-H. Choi, A.D. Rollett , S.S. Park ; A theoretical prediction of twin variants in extruded AZ31 Mg alloys using the microstructure based crystal plasticity finite element method, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 538, (2012) 190-201. [IF: 2.108, Corresponding author]
• Akhtar S. Khan, Muneer Baig, Shi-Hoon Choi, Hoe-Seok Yang, Xin Sun ; Quasi-static and dynamic responses of advanced high strength steels:Experiments and modeling, International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 30-31, (2012) 1-17. [IF: 4.356, Rank: 3/132, Category: Mechanics, Co-author]
• E.-Y. Kim, E. J. Shin and S.-H. Choi, Effect of Mn and P on the Macroscopic Texture of Ti–Nb Stabilized Interstitial Free Steels, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 13, (2013) 5675-5679. [IF: 1.149, Corresponding author]
• J. S. Kim, S. I. Kim and S. H. Choi, Effect of the Initial Texture Components of Hot-Rolled BH Steel on the Evolution of Deformation Texture and Stored Energy During the Cold-Rolling Process, Metals and Materials International, Vol. 19, (2013) 759-765. [IF: 1.434, Corresponding author]
• S.-H. Choi, W. C. Woo, E.-Y. Kim, J.H. Kwak and S.H. Han ; The effect of crystallographic orientation on the micromechanical deformation and failure behaviors of DP980 steel during uniaxial tension, International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 45, (2013) 85-102. [IF: 4.356, Rank: 3/132, Category: Mechanics, Corresponding author]
• Amit Pandey, Akhtar S. Khan, Eun-Young Kim, Shi-Hoon Choi, Thomas Gnaupel-Herold ; Experimental and numerical investigations of yield surface, texture, and deformation mechanisms in AA5754 over low to high temperatures and strain rates, International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 41, (2013) 165-188. [IF: 4.356, Rank: 3/132, Category: Mechanics, Corresponding author]
• E.-Y. Kim, J.-H. Cho, H.-W. Kim, S.-H. Choi ; Determination of the Optimum Friction Conditions for Prediction of Deformation Texture in Al/Al-Mg/Al Composite Sheets during Cold-Roll Cladding, Korean J. Met. Mater, Vol.51, (2013) 41-50. [IF: 1.201(SCIE), Corresponding author]
• Muneer Baig, Akhtar S. Khan, Shi-Hoon Choi, Aran Jeong ; Shear and multiaxial responses of oxygen free high conductivity (OFHC) copper over wide range of strain-rates and temperatures and constitutive modeling, International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 40, (2013) 65-80. [IF: 4.356, Rank: 3/132, Category: Mechanics, Co-author]
•Ji-Hwan Shin, Shi-Hoon Choi, Nabeel Jahanzeb, Min-Seong Kim, Ji-Hyeon Hwang : Analysis of Deformation and Failure Behaviors of TIG Welded Dissimilar Metal Joints Using Miniature Tensile Specimens, KOREAN JOURNAL OF METALS AND MATERIALS (2017) 125-131
•Jaiveer Singh, Shi-Hoon Choi, Min-Seong Kim : The effect of strain heterogeneity on the deformation and failure behaviors of E-form Mg alloy sheets during a mini-V-bending test, Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2017)
•Min-Seong Kim, Shi-Hoon Choi, Yong-Man Song, Jong-Yeop Jeong : Simulation of microtexture developments in the stir zone of friction stir-welded AZ31 Mg alloys, International Journal of Plasticity (2017)
•Atanu Bag, Shi-Hoon Choi : Microcrack propagation in Cu metal films on a flexible PI substrate during cyclic-bend testing, MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION (2017)
•Nabeel Jahanzeb, Shi-Hoon Choi, Ji-Hwan Shin, Jaiveer Singh, Yoon-Uk Heo : Effect of microstructure on the hardness heterogeneity of dissimilar metal joints between 316L stainless steel and SS400 steel, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING (2017) 338-350
•Dong-Kyu Kim, Shi-Hoon Choi, Eun-Young Kim, Jihoon Han, Wanchuck Woo : Effect of microstructural factors on void formation by ferrite/martensite interface decohesion in DP980 steel under uniaxial tension, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLASTICITY (2017) 3-23
•Dong-Kyu Kim, Shi-Hoon Choi, Ji-Hyun Hwang, Eun-Young Kim, Yoon-Uk Heo, Wanchuck Woo : Evaluation of the stress-strain relationship of constituent phases in AlSi10Mg alloy produced by selective laser melting using crystal plasticity FEM, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS (2017) 687-697
•Atanu Bag, Shi-Hoon Choi : Initiation and propagation of microcracks in Cu thin films on flexible substrates through the thickness direction during a cyclic bending test, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING (2017)
•Amol B. Kale, Shi-Hoon Choi, Atanu Bag, Ji-Hyun Hwang, Elinor G. Castle, Mike J. Reece : The deformation and fracture behaviors of 316L stainless steels fabricated by spark plasma sintering technique under uniaxial tension, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING (2017)
•Jae-Hyung Cho, Shi-Hoon Choi, Sang-Ho Han : The effect of aging on mechanical properties and texture evolution of ZK60 alloys during warm compression, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS (2017)
• C.U. Jeong, S.-C. Lee, H.N. Rhee, K.S. Park, and S.-H. Choi ; Using a scale-bridging technique to determine the effect of elastic properties on stress distribution around the femoral stem of an artificial hip joint with a simplified geometry, Metals and Materials International, , Vol. 20, (2014) 593-600. [IF: 1.434, Corresponding author]
• J.S. Kim, S.I. Kim and S.-H. Choi ; Effect of Deformed Microstructure on Primary Recrystallization Behavior in Cold Rolled Cu-added Extra Low Carbon Steel, Korean J. Met. Mater, Vol.52, (2014) 361-372. . [IF: 1.201(SCIE), Corresponding author]
• E.-Y. Kim, J.S. Kim, S.I. Kim and S.-H. Choi ; The micromechanical deformation behaviors of hot-rolled 590FB steel during hole-expansion test, International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 58, (2014) 184-200. [IF: 4.356, Rank: 3/132, Category: Mechanics, Corresponding author]
• J.S. Kim, S.I. Kim and S.-H. Choi ; Microstructure characterization based on the type of deformed grains in cold-rolled, Cu-added, bake-hardenable steel, Materials characterization, Vol. 92, (2014) 159-170. [IF: 1.880, Rank: 1/32, Category: Materials science, Characterization & Testing, Corresponding author]
• D.-I. Kim, J.S. Kim, J.H. Kim, S.I. Kim and S.-H. Choi ; A study on the annealing behavior of Cu-added bake-hardenable steel using an in-situ EBSD technique, Acta Materialia, Vol. 68, (2014) 9-18. [IF: 3.941, Rank: 1/76, Category: Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering, Corresponding author]
• C.U. Jeong, W. Woo, J.Y. Choi, S.-H. Choi ; Effect of kinematic stability of initial orientation on deformation heterogeneity and ductile failure in duplex stainless steel during uniaxial tension, Acta Materialia, Vol. 67, (2014) 21-31. [IF: 3.941, Rank: 1/76, Category: Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering, Corresponding author]
• Eun-Young Kim, WanChuck Woo, Yoon-UK Huh, BaekSoek Seong, JeomYoung Choi, Shi-Hoon Choi : Effect of Kinematic stability of the austenite phase on phase transformation behavior and deformation heterogeneity in duplex stainless steel using the crystal plasticity finite element method, International Journal of Plasticity (2015)
• C.U. Jeong, Y-U. Heo, J.Y. Choi, W.Woo, S.-H. Choi ; A study on the micromechanical behaviors of duplex stainless steel under uniaxial tension using ex-situ experimentation and the crystal plasticity finite element method, International Journal of Plasticity (2015) 1- 17
• Muneer Baig, Akhtar S. Khan, Shi-Hoon Choi, E. Lee ; Effect of Manufacturing Processes and Welding Type on Quasistatic and Dynamic Responses of Aluminum: Experiments, J. dynamic behavior mater. (2015)
• Jong SeokKim, Ji-HwanShin, SungIlKim, Shi-HoonChoi ; Effect of microstructural features on the Planar anisotropy of the R-value in Cu-added bake-hardenable steels, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 621, (2015) 82-93
• Amit Pandey, Farhoud Kabirian, Ji-Hyun Hwang, Shi-HoonChoi, Akhtar S. Khan ; Mechanical responses and deformation mechanism of an AZ31 Mg alloy sheet under dynamic and simple shear deformation, International Journal of Plasticity, Vol.68, (2015) 111-131.
•Salvatore Grasso, Shi-Hoon Choi, Min Yu, Adam Tudball, Mike Reece, Eun-Young Kim, Theo Saunders : Ultra-Rapid Crystal Growth of Textured SiC Using Flash Spark Plasma Sintering Route, CRYSTAL GROWTH DESIGN (2016) 2317-2321
•Ji-Hwan Shin, Shi-Hoon Choi, Min-Seong Kim, Seong-ll Kim, Seok-jong Seo : Examining the Microtexture Evolution in a Hole-Edge Punched into 780 MPa Grade Hot-Rolled Steel, Materials Characterization (2016)
•Dong-Kyu Kim, Shi-Hoon Choi, Wan-Cheuk Woo, Ji-Hyeon Hwang, Ke An : Stress partitioning behavior of an AlSi10Mg alloy produced by selective laser melting during tensile deformation using in situ neutron diffraction, Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2016)
•Eun-Young Kim, Shi-Hoon Choi, Seong-ll Kim : Effect of Strength Coefficient of Bainite on Micromechanical Deformation and Failure Behaviors of Hot-Rolled 590FB Steel during Uniaxial Tension, KOREAN JOURNAL OF METALS AND MATERIALS (2016) 808-816
•Atanu Bag, Shi-Hoon Choi, Ki-Seong Park : Effects of microcrack evolution on the electrical resistance of Cu thin films on flexible PI substrates during cyclic-bend testing, Metals and Materials International (2016)
•Min-Seong Kim, Shi-Hoon Choi, Hyo-Tae Jeong, Sang-Chul Kwon, Sun-Tae Kim, Seong Lee : Effect of Forging Type on the Deformation Heterogeneities in Multi-Axial Diagonal Forged AA1100, Metals and Materials International (2019)
•Jaiveer Singh, Min-Seong Kim, Shi-Hoon Choi : The effect of initial texture on micromechanical deformation behaviors in Mg alloys under a mini-V-bending test (2019)
•P Zhang, CP Kohar, AP Brahme, SH Choi, RK Mishra, K Inal : A Crystal Plasticity Formulation for Simulating the Formability of a Transformation Induced Plasticity Steel (2019)
•J Singh, MS Kim, L Kaushik, JH Kang, D Kim, E Martin, SH Choi : Twinning-detwinning behavior of E-form Mg alloy sheets during in-plane reverse loading (2019)
•WG Seo, JY Suh, JH Shim, H Lee, K Yoo, SH Choi : Effect of post-weld heat treatment on the microstructure and hardness of P92 steel in IN740H/P92 dissimilar weld joints (2019)
•Jaiveer Singh, Shi-Hoon Choi, Min-Seong Kim : The effect of initial texture on micromechanical deformation behaviors in Mg alloys under a mini-V-bending test, International Journal of Plasticity (2018)
•Jaiveer Singh, Shi-Hoon Choi, Min-Seong Kim, Seong-Eum Lee, Eun-Young Kim, Joo-Hee Kang, Jun-Ho Park, Jae-Joong Kim : Heterogeneity in deformation and twinning behaviors through the thickness direction in E-form Mg alloy sheets during an Erichsen test, Materials Science & Engineering A (2018)
•Atanu Bag, Shi-Hoon Choi, Ki-Seong Park : Effect of the deformation state on the mechanical degradation of Cu metal films on flexible PI substrates during cyclic sliding testing, Metals and Materials International (2018)
•C.S. Hyun, Shi-Hoon Choi, M.S. Kim, K.S. Shin : Crystal plasticity FEM study of twinning and slip in a Mg single crystal by Erichsen test, ACTA MATERIALIA (2018)
•Wanchuck Woo, Shi-Hoon Choi, Jongyul Kim, Eun-Young Kim, Vyacheslav Em, Daniel S. Hussey : Multi-scale analyses of constituent phases in a trip-assisted duplex stainless steel by electron backscatter diffraction, in situ neutron diffraction, and energy selective neutron imaging, Scripta Materialia (2018)
•Dong-Kyu Kim, Shi-Hoon Choi, Wanchuck Woo, Eun-Young Kim : Microstructure and mechanical characteristics of multi-layered materials composed of 316L stainless steel and ferritic steel produced by direct energy deposition, Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2018)
•Jaiveer Singh, Shi-Hoon Choi, Min-Seong Kim, Ji-Hyun Lee, Hwanuk Guim : Microstructure evolution and deformation behaviors of E-form and AZ31 Mg alloys during ex-situ mini-V-bending tests, Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2018)
•Jaiveer Singh, Shi-Hoon Choi, Min Seong Kim, Joo Hee Kang : Mesoscale Simulation of Deformation Behaviors of E-form and AZ31 Mg Alloys During Ex-Situ Mini-V-Bending Tests, Metals and Materials International (2018)
•Hyo-Tae Jeong, Shi-Hoon Choi, Min-Seong Kim, Sun-Tae Kim, Seong Lee : Comparison Between Multi-Axial Forging and Multi-Axial Diagonal Forging of AA1100 Using Finite Element Analysis (2018)
• S.-H. Choi, F. Barlat and J.H. Chung ; Modeling of textures and yield surfaces during recrystallizaiton in IF steel sheets, Scripta Materialia, Vol.45, (2001) 1152-1162. [2001 Nov]
• S.-H. Choi, F. Barlat and J. Liu ; Effect of precipitates on plastic anisotropy for polycrystalline aluminum alloys, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol.32, (2001) 2239-2247. [2001 Jul]
• J.H. Cho, S.-H. Choi, and K.H. Oh ; Texture Evolution in Aluminium Alloy Sheets During Uniaxial Tension, J. Korean Inst. of Metals & Materials, Vol.38, No.9, (2000) [2000 Sep]
• S.-H. Choi, J.H.Cho , K.H. Oh, K. Chung, F. Barlat ; Texture evolution of FCC sheet metals during deep drawing process, Int. J. Mech. Sci., Vol.42, (2000) 1571-1592. [2000 Aug]
• S.-H. Choi, J.C. Brem, K.H. Oh and F. Barlat ; Macroscopic anisotropy in AA5019A sheet, Acta Materialia, Vol.48, (2000) 1853-1863. [2000 May]
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